Escale Dévi

Escale Dévi

Escale Dévi massage therapy is located in the heart of the Eastern Townships, on the borders of Vermont, Escale Dévi offers you a diverse range of massage therapy treatments, energy sessions as well as body treatments.

Woman Entrepreneur: Suzanne Lalande
Phone: 819-200-9557


Graduate of the Entrepreneurship Program

The Lise Watier Foundation offers the Let’s Start Up Pathway in Montreal, Quebec City, the Laurentians, Montérégie, Sherbrooke and Toronto. More than 300 women a year are committed to taking action through the Let’s Start Up Pathway. They graduate with a better understanding of their strengths and skills, as well as the knowledge and tools to implement their professional project. Women thus begin a new journey towards financial independence through entrepreneurship, a return to school or a more fulfilling job.

Major donors

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Fondation J.A. DeSève
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