Donor bill of rights

Donor trust is at the heart of the Lise Watier Foundation’s concerns. In order to merit and maintain our donors’ confidence in our activities and our cause, Lise Watier Foundation’s has adopted a donor bill of rights.

Each donor has the right:

  • To be informed of Lise Watier Foundation’s mission, of the way it intends to use donations it receives, and of its capacity to use them effectively for their intended purposes.
  • To be informed of the identity of the members of the Board of Directors and to expect the Board to exercise prudent judgment in exercising its duties.
  • To have access to Lise Watier Foundation’s most recent financial statements.
  • To be assured that any donation to Lise Watier Foundation’s will be used for the purpose indicated when it was solicited or given.
  • To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  • To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law and in accordance with the donor’s instructions.
  • To expect that all relationships with individuals representing Lise Watier Foundation of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  • To know whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of Lise Watier Foundation’s, or hired solicitors.
  • To have their name removed from any mailing list that Lise Watier Foundation’s may intend to communicate to other organizations.
  • To ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.

This bill of rights is inspired by the one developed jointly by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute : Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.

Thank you for reading our Donor Bill of Rights.


Graduate of the Entrepreneurship Program

The Lise Watier Foundation offers the Let’s Start Up Pathway in Montreal, Quebec City, the Laurentians, Montérégie, Sherbrooke and Toronto. More than 300 women a year are committed to taking action through the Let’s Start Up Pathway. They graduate with a better understanding of their strengths and skills, as well as the knowledge and tools to implement their professional project. Women thus begin a new journey towards financial independence through entrepreneurship, a return to school or a more fulfilling job.

Major donors

See all our donors
Fondation J.A. DeSève
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