On September 22, the 2020-2021 Graduation Ceremony of the Let’s Start Up Program – Entrepreneurship Stream took place. Through a hybrid formula, the graduates were able to follow the ceremony live, which took place at the John Molson School of Business – Concordia University.
During this day of celebration, we honored the new graduates who have shown great resilience and who have had the will and courage to take the challenge. Despite the pandemic, the women of the 2021 Let’s Start Up Program have successfully completed all the steps towards a professional development certificate from Concordia University. Their entrepreneurial dreams have taken flight, as have their dignity, confidence, and self-esteem. It is with great pride that the Lise Watier Foundation presented the 84 graduates of the 2020-2021 cohort with a certificate from Concordia University’s Continuing Education Department. Ms. Lise Watier, Ms. Anne-Marie Croteau (Dean, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University), and Ms. Isabel Dunnigan (Associate Vice-President Lifelong Learning & Executive Director Centre for Continuing Education Concordia University) delivered an inspiring message to the participants.
The Concordia-Lise Watier Spreading your Wings Grant
During the ceremony, Ms. Isabel Dunnigan announced the first recipient of the Concordia-Lise Watier Spreading your Wings Grant. This $5,000 grant is offered annually and rewards a promising business project of a graduate from previous years of the Let’s Start Up program. This year, we are proud to present it to Karine Richer, a graduate of the 2019-2020 cohort and founder of the company Insectes Intrinsekt, which specializes in the breeding of edible insects and the production of organic fertilizers based on edible insect manure. Karine has distinguished herself by the innovative nature of her business, by her boldness in building a company in a cutting-edge sector and by her great mastery of her business. The grant will allow her to purchase the equipment and tools necessary to develop her business more quickly.
Congratulations to all the graduates
This year, there was a great diversity in the type of business created, whether it was in social economy, design and arts, professional services or related to personal and health care. The Lise Watier Foundation and Concordia University are proud of the path taken by all these women who are now graduates of the Let’s Start Up program and we will follow the development of their businesses with great interest!