More women will have the courage to go back to school

More women will have the courage to go back to school thanks to the Lise Watier Foundation and its collaborators

Fostering access to post-secondary education for women has always been at the heart of the Lise Watier Foundation’s mission, as it is a major factor in accelerating their success towards sustainable financial independence. The women supported by the Let’s Start Up Program can focus on their studies, their financial burden being reduced throughout their academic career. More specifically, they receive between $4,000 and $13,000 per year (depending on their status and the number of dependent children).

Since 2017, more than 24 women have received financial aid through the Let’s Start Up Program to pursue their post-secondary education. Whether it is through the completion of a technique in physiotherapy, a bachelor’s degree in social work or a certificate in special education, all have the same goal: to obtain a degree and access a job that will help them become financially independent.

The Lise Watier Foundation has been collaborating with Dans la rue for many years, which facilitates the recruitment of new participants for the Let’s Start Up Program – Education stream. The Foundation is now extending the reach of its action by joining forces with the organization Mères avec pouvoir. Thanks to the referral of these two organizations, the Foundation will support a higher number of women motivated by the desire to pursue their studies.

This year, the Lise Watier Foundation is proud to support 10 women in their education: resilient, determined and committed to their studies!

About de Dans la rue

Founded by Father Emmett Johns “Pops” in 1988, Dans la rue helps homeless and at-risk youth.

With dedication, empathy, and respect, and with the support of the community, Dans la rue cares for their immediate needs and helps them acquire the skills and resources needed to lead more autonomous and rewarding lives.

About de Mères avec Pouvoir

Mères avec pouvoir est un organisme à but non lucratif, visant à favoriser l’autonomie et l’intégration sociale et professionnelle de femmes cheffes de familles monoparentales à faible revenu, avec enfants de la naissance à cinq ans.

L’organisme facilite le cheminement des femmes grâce à l’accès à un logement social transitoire (pour 3 à 5 ans), un soutien communautaire et individuel et une place en CPE pour leurs enfants.


Graduate of the Let’s Start Up Program

The Lise Watier Foundation offers the Let’s Start Up Journey in Montreal, Quebec City, the Laurentians, Montérégie, Sherbrooke and Toronto. More than 300 women a year are committed to taking action through the Let’s Start Up Journey. They graduate with a better understanding of their strengths and skills, as well as the knowledge and tools to implement their professional project. Women thus begin a new journey towards financial independence through entrepreneurship, a return to school or a more fulfilling job.

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